Welcome to Shadow Forest Elementary!


New Family Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When do I drop off my child?

A: Students may arrive as early as 7:30am and are dismissed from the cafeteria to their classroom at 7:55am.  You may walk your child to his/her classroom on the first day of school.  


Q: Where do I drop off and pick up my child? 

A: A car rider map is provided in your registration packet. Drop off and pick up locations are determined by your neighborhood. 

Woodstream and Riverpoint: Mills Branch driveway (cafeteria doors)

Greentree, Riverbend, and Riverchase: Autumn Sage driveway (front doors) 

All walkers/bike riders dismiss from the playground doors.


Q: What time is dismissal? 

A: Grades K-5 are dismissed from the school at 3:20pm. 


Q: When will my child eat lunch? (subject to change before start of school year)

Kindergarten: 11:15-11:45

1st grade: 11:30-12:00

2nd grade: 11:45-12:15

3rd grade: 12:00-12:30

4th grade: 12:15-12:45

5th grade: 12:30-1:00


Q: Can I join my child for lunch? 

A: All visitors are required to register in the front office immediately after entering campus.  A visitor’s pass is necessary for visiting your child during the lunch period. All visitors will be asked to present a driver’s license. The kindergarten teachers ask that you do not join your child for lunch for the first 6 weeks.   


Q: Will my child have snack time?

A: Information about snacks will be given at Shark School in August by your child’s grade level teachers.


Q: What if my child forgot something at home? 

A: To keep classroom disruptions to a minimum, we ask that you put all forgotten items you bring to school on the cart in the front hallway.  Deliveries will be made at 10:00amMake sure your child knows to check the cart if you will be dropping off his/her lunch after 10:00am.   


Q: How do I get in touch with my child’s teacher(s)? 

A: Your child’s classroom teacher(s) will provide you with the best methods for reaching him/her during the school day.  Additionally, teacher email addresses are listed on the SFE website. The front office telephone number is 281-641-2600 and the absence line is 281-641-2619. 


Q: How can I meet other SFE parents? 

A: There are several events throughout the school year that parents are invited to attend!  Watch for SFE emails for more information. Volunteering for the PTA is another great way to meet other parents. 


Q: How can I volunteer at SFE? 

A: We would love for you to share your time and talents with our school! There are many volunteer opportunities at SFE. Be sure to complete the Volunteer Questionnaire available on this site. You can also contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Libbey Hutchinson, 



Q: What is Sharkfest? 

A: Sharkfest is the main PTA fundraiser for the year.  It is a fun-filled event in the spring for your family that includes food, drinks, games, raffles, auctions and more!


Important Dates:


February 5 Parry's Spirit Night 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

February 7 5th Grade Manners Banquet

February 7 Friendship Parties 2:15 PM

February 10-14 February Break - No School

February 17 Elementary Student Holiday - Staff Professional Development Day

February 24 Lemonade with Lackey 1:15 PM - SFE Cafeteria

 February 27 Open House 6:00-7:00 PM and Shark Showcase (Time TBD)

March 3-7 Book Fair

March 4 1st Grade Music Program 7:00 PM

March 6 PTA James the Wand Magic Show 6:00 PM

March 10-14 Spring Break - No School

March 17 Elementary Student Holiday - Staff Professional Development Day

March 28 2nd Grade Field Trip 

April 4 PTA Sharkfest 5:30-8:30PM

Support our PTA! 




Choose Shadow Forest Elementary PTA as your Amazon Smile recipient. 

Don't forget to add us on your Amazon app, too!

Re-enroll your Kroger Shopper's Card annually to direct a percentage of your purchases to SFE PTA.

Our code is 84532.

Direct Donations to SFE PTA help us quickly meet the needs of our school. Please consider making a financial donation to Shadow Forest Elementary PTA. 

Shadow Forest Elementary PTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization and contributions are tax deductible as allowed by IRS regulations.