Box Tops for Education
Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box tops are worth $0.10 each, and they quickly add up to real cash for our school. To help our school, look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school. For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school's progress ( Be sure to become a member to receive exclusive coupons and learn about extra ways for our school to earn.



 Community Coffee

Our school also participates in the community coffee rewards program.  Turn in your labels today!




Box Tops for Education™  and Community Coffee™ labels can be submitted on a collection sheet (sent home throughout the year) or in a plastic bag labeled with your child’s grade & teacher name.  At any time, they can be turned in to your child’s teacher, dropped in the ‘Labels’ box in the music room hallway, or mailed to SFE. The class in each grade that brings in the most labels each quarter will receive a prize!


Last year, SFE earned $2,275 in Box Tops™ alone!



My Coke Rewards
Another great way to help our school is collect codes from bottle caps and packages, go to My Coke Rewards, enter the codes, and donate the points to SFE!  If you have an MCR account online, you can log on & click on ‘MCR for Schools’ for more details.  EASY & FREE!


Thank you for participating in these programs!!!



Up Coming Dates:

May 6 - 10: Teacher Appreciation Week


May 10: 5th Grade BizTown Field Trip 


May 14: 5th Grade Program


May 15: Senior Walk and Reception


May 27: Memorial Day


May 30: Early Release; Last Day of School 





Support our PTA! 




Choose Shadow Forest Elementary PTA as your Amazon Smile recipient. 

Don't forget to add us on your Amazon app, too!

Re-enroll your Kroger Shopper's Card annually to direct a percentage of your purchases to SFE PTA.

Our code is 84532.

Direct Donations to SFE PTA help us quickly meet the needs of our school. Please consider making a financial donation to Shadow Forest Elementary PTA. 

Shadow Forest Elementary PTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization and contributions are tax deductible as allowed by IRS regulations.