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Enter your Email address. We will send you an email with a special URL inside. Click the URL to reset your password.

Important Dates:

November 25-29 Thanksgiving Break

December 12 PTA Polar Express Night(See info. in PTA section below)

December 17 3rd Grade Music Program 7:00 PM

December 20 Winter Parties 10:45 AM

December 20 Early Release Day 12:00 PM

December 23-January 7 Winter Break - Student Holiday



Support our PTA! 




Choose Shadow Forest Elementary PTA as your Amazon Smile recipient. 

Don't forget to add us on your Amazon app, too!

Re-enroll your Kroger Shopper's Card annually to direct a percentage of your purchases to SFE PTA.

Our code is 84532.

Direct Donations to SFE PTA help us quickly meet the needs of our school. Please consider making a financial donation to Shadow Forest Elementary PTA. 

Shadow Forest Elementary PTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization and contributions are tax deductible as allowed by IRS regulations.